Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Los Angeles, I'm Yours

I'm in LA for a bit to work on DJ and the Fro!  It's awesome out here, but NY will always be home.  Here are some old phone paintings (made with Brushes on the iphone) that I have lying around and a flash doodle page.  I know, I know...more Harry Potter.  What can I say?  I'm a huge effing nerd.


JimmyGlenn711 said...

Hey man how you been? LA? WHAT? Anyway hope things are good with you. Check out my blog:

R.Dress said...

Dude I love the guy on the top. Great news about California. I'm due for a nice long trip my self. You should buy a motorcycle and ride back! If you see Piero for some odd reason, tell him I said wsup.

I'm looking forward to seeing all the drawings and paintings yer gonna do of LA Danny Boy.

Uncle Phil said...

let me know if you want to come by CN for lunch one day. We can get a beer and talk about peedee.

George Fort said...

Danny, Monica and I really love this Black and White Scurvy Dave page. F-f-f-f-fresH!